Gamification is not just about applying game elements to business facts and customer relations: points, scores, badges, recognitions and leaderboards are practical elements that can be applied only sometimes. Gamification is much more: it starts from identifying bottlenecks that lower engagement and motivation in an organization or that prevent efficiency and effectiveness, and then identifies which tools and tecniques can be helpful to improve the situation. Transparent communications, simulation platforms, social networking, progress boards, balanced scoreboards for processes, focused coaching sessions among peers, social data analysis, team building activities, task breakdown and parallelization are just some of the contents in the gamification toolbox.
Effective games leverage both psychology and technology, in ways that can be applied outside the immersive environments of games themselves. Gamification as a business practice has exploded over the past two years. Organizations are applying it in areas such as marketing, human resources, productivity enhancement, sustainability, training, health and wellness, innovation, and customer engagement. Game thinking means more than just dropping in badges and leaderboards; it requires a thoughtful understanding of motivation and design techniques.
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